Dew It Fitness WOD Archives - Page 91 of 94 - Dew It Fitness
Dew It Fitness

485 Spencerport Rd
Rochester, NY 14606



WOD 9/30/16

Intermediate Strength: Supinated barbell row – 8 x 3 Muscular Endurance: 12 Min AMRAP 10 Deadlift 5 Power clean 3 Push Jerk Metcon: 8 Rounds – Weighted bear crawl – 2 room lengths 10 Burpees Beginner  Strength: Supinated barbell row – 8 x 3 Muscular Endurance: 12 Min AMRAP 10...

WOD 9/29/16

    Intermediate Strength: Walking kettlebell lunge – 5 x 5 Muscular Endurance: EMOM for 10 minutes – 5 Hang power snatch *50 – 60 % of your 1 rep max* Metcon: 5 Rounds – 15 Toes to bar 5 Max distance broad jump 2 Suicide sprints Beginner  Strength: Walking kettlebell...

WOD 9/28/16

Intermediate Strength: Hang squat clean – 5 x 6 Muscular Endurance: 5 Rounds of – 15 Sec pullup hold 30 Sec handstand hold Metcon: 6 Rounds – 80 Jump ropes 20 Med ball slams 10 Diamond push-ups Beginner  Strength: Hang muscle clean – 5 x 6 Muscular Endurance: 5 Rounds of – 10 Sec...

WOD 9/27/16

Intermediate Strength: Strict press – 6 /4,4/2,2,2 Muscular Endurance: 6 Rounds – 100 foot Suitcase carry 10 Atomic sit-ups 10 American kettlebell swings *Heavy* Metcon: 15 Sec on, 5 sec off of – Alternating waves w/ side step Outward spirals Power slams Stage coach lunge Criss –...

WOD 9/26/16

Intermediate Strength: Sumo deadlift – 5 x 5 Muscular Endurance: 8 Min EMOM – 10 Pullups 8 Renegade Rows (Single PU: push-up, row, row) Metcon: 20 Min AMRAP – 5 Overhead lunge / side 8 Front Squat 15 Box jump 200 Meter run Beginner  Strength: Sumo deadlift – 5 x 8 Muscular...

WOD 9/23/16

Intermediate Strength: Barbell snatch – 7 x 3 ME/ Metcon: 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3 Thruster Bar facing burpee Metcon: 5 Rounds – 30 Sec plank 30 Sec rest Beginner  Strength: Barbell muscle snatch – 7 x 3 ME/ Metcon: 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3 Thruster Bar facing burpee...

WOD 9/22/16

Intermediate Strength: One arm row – 6 x 5 Muscular Endurance: Every 90 seconds for 18 Minutes (4x) – 6 Romanian deadlift (tempo 3011) 8 Wide ring row (tempo 2111) 8 L-seated dumbbell press (tempo 2111) Metcon: 35 Kettlebell swing / 15 Squat thrust 25 Kettlebell swing / 25...

WOD 9/21/16

Intermediate Strength: Front squat – 1 Rep Max Muscular Endurance: EMOM for 10 Minutes Odds – 3 Turkish get up left Evens – 3 Turkish get up right Metcon: 8 rounds – 50 foot sled push 50 foot kettlebell drag Beginner  Strength: Back squat – 3 Rep Max Muscular...

No pushup? No problem!

Here is a strategy to work towards your first strict push-up. It sounds counter-intuitive, but weighted push-ups can help you get that first strict push-up. The body can handle much more load during the eccentric, or lowering portion of movement. See pictures below. The Eccentric...

WOD 9/20/16

  Intermediate Strength: Clean + jerk – 5,5/4,4/3,3 Muscular Endurance: 4 Rounds – Handstand hold x 45 sec 12 Dips (neutral grip) Metcon: 40 Wall ball 400 Meter run 40 Burpees 400 Meter run 40 Wall ball Beginner  Strength: Med ball clean + press –...