Dew It Fitness WOD Archives - Page 72 of 94 - Dew It Fitness
Dew It Fitness

485 Spencerport Rd
Rochester, NY 14606




  Intermediate Strength: Romanian deadlift – 7 x 3 @ 65 – 70% Metabolic Conditioning: 20 Minute AMRAP – 10 Box jumps 20 Push-ups 20 Lunges (10 / side) 20 Kettle bell swings 40 Jumping jacks Beginner Strength: Deadlift – 7 x 5 @ 55% Metabolic Conditioning: 20 Minute AMRAP –...

WOD 6/20/17

  Intermediate Strength: One arm row – 4 x 8 @ 20 – 25% of Barbell row 1RM Muscular Endurance: Pullup & Dip pyramid – 1 Pull-up, 1 Dip 2 Pull-ups, 2 Dips 3 Pull-ups, 3 Dips *Continue adding one rep to each exercise until you can no longer complete the set. Rest 10...

WOD 6/19/17

  Intermediate Strength: Power clean – 5 x 5 Muscular Endurance: 16 Turkish get ups (8 / side) Metabolic Conditioning: Death by… Burpees! *Complete one burpee the first minute, two the second minute, three the third; continue adding one sprint each minute until you can no...

WOD 6/16/17

  Intermediate Strength: Sumo back squat– 4 x 10 @ 40% of back squat 1RM Metabolic Conditioning: 30 Minute AMRAP – Sled bear crawl x 45 ft Rest 90 seconds Sled chest press x 20 ft Rest 90 seconds Sled push to sprint x 180 feet Rest 2 minutes Beginner Strength: Sumo goblet...

WOD 6/15/17

  Intermediate Strength: Push press – 5 x 5 @ 80% of press 1RM Muscular Endurance: 3 Rounds – Pullup hold x 10 sec Handstand x 20 sec Plank x 30 sec Metabolic Conditioning: 3 Rounds with battle ropes – Alternating waves w/ lateral shuffle x 30 Sec Side to side waves x 30 sec...

WOD 6/14/17

  Intermediate Strength: Hang barbell snatch – 7 x 4 Metabolic Conditioning: 3 Rounds, 1 minute at each station – Lunges Kettlebell swings Burpees Mountain climbers * The goal is to accumulate as many reps as possible throughout each round. You will rest 10 seconds...

WOD 6/13/17

  Intermediate Strength: Barbell step up – 7 x 3 @ 55 – 60% of lunge 1RM Muscular Endurance: 4 Rounds – 8 Front squats 8 Supinated rows 8 Inchworm walkouts Metabolic Conditioning: Karen – 150 Wall balls Beginner Strength: Goblet step up – 7 x 4 Muscular Endurance: 4 Rounds –...

WOD 6/12/17

  Intermediate Strength: Weighted push-up – 6 x 5 Muscular Endurance: 14 Minute AMRAP – 4 Pull-ups 6 Box jumps 8 Deadlifts Metabolic Conditioning: Ascending sprint intervals – 20 second intervals: Complete 2 sprints each distance: 15 ft, 30 ft, 45 ft, 60 ft 40 second...

WOD 6/9/17

  Intermediate Strength: Back squat – 6 x 5 Metabolic conditioning: Chipper – 100 Jumping jacks 90 Kettlebell deadlifts 80 Inverted rows 70 Tuck jumps 60 V-ups 50 Wall balls 40 Squat thrusts 30 Push-ups 20 Dips 10 Kettlebell crossovers / side Beginner Strength: Gob...

WOD 6/8/17

    Intermediate Strength: Hang squat clean – 5 x 5 Metabolic Conditioning: 30 Minute AMRAP – Explosive sled pull x 10 reps Rest 1 minute Hand over hand sled row x 30 feet Rest 1 minute Reverse sled drag to push sprint x 80 feet Rest 1 minute Beginner Strength: Hang...