Dew It Fitness DewItFitness, Author at Dew It Fitness - Page 48 of 97
Dew It Fitness

485 Spencerport Rd
Rochester, NY 14606

WOD 6/26/18

  Intermediate Strength: Complete 5 sets of 5 bear complexes. Bear complex: Power clean Front squat Push press Back squat Push press Muscular Endurance: 6 Rounds – 6 Hollow body rocks 8 Supermans 5 Oblique v-ups / side Metabolic Conditioning: 12 Min AMRAP – 6 Tall jump...

WOD 6/25/18

  Intermediate Strength: 4 Rounds – 6 Single leg deadlifts / side 6 Dumbbell alternating curl to presses / side 8 Triceps push-downs Muscular Endurance: 6 Rounds – Pull-up hold x 12 sec Handstand x 20 sec Wall-sit x 30 sec Metabolic Conditioning: 4 Rounds – 20 squats 20...

WOD 6/22/18

  Intermediate Strength: 6 Rounds – 4 Sumo deadlifts @ 65% 1RM 6 One arm row / side Metabolic Conditioning: 100 Wall climbers / side 90 Jumping jacks 80 Flutter kicks / side 70 Squats 60 Push presses 50 Pull-ups 40 Box jumps 30 Sit-ups 20 Burpees 10 Toes to bar Beginner...

WOD 6/21/18

  Intermediate Strength: 4 Rounds – 5 Front rack reverse lunges / side 8 Pull-ups 8 Weighted push-ups Muscular Endurance: 8 Rounds – Farmer carry x 20 sec Plank with knee to elbow x 20 sec Zercher carry x 20 sec Mountain climbers x 20 sec *Rest 10 seconds between exercises...

At home workout # 5

At home workout # 5 Warm – up: 3 Rounds – 10 Bird dogs (5 / side) 10 Squats 20 Jumping jacks A) 100 Jumping jacks 90 Flutter kicks / side 80 Arm circles / way (forward / backward) (Make your circle about the size of a Frisbee) 70 Hip Bridges 60 Russian twists / side 50 Squat...

WOD 6/20/18

  Intermediate Strength: Complete 18 Turkish get ups (9 / side) *rest as needed Muscular Endurance: Complete the following every 2 min 30 sec for 4 rounds 6 Barbell rollouts 8 Good mornings 8 TRX wide inverted rows Metabolic Conditioning: In teams of two, complete 100...

WOD 6/19/18

  Intermediate Strength: 4 Rounds – 10 Deadlifts 8 T-bar rows 6 Supinated pull-ups *complete 1-2 warm up sets prior to beginning round 1 Metabolic Conditioning: Complete 4 rounds, working for 40 sec at each station with 25 sec rest between stations – Station 1: Deadlifts...

WOD 6/18/18

  Intermediate Strength: Complete the following EMOM for 10 min – 6 One arm snatches / side Metabolic Conditioning: Benchmark Workout: Cindy 20 minute AMRAP – 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats Shred finisher: 3 Rounds – Sled push to sprint Mobility: 2 Rounds – Super couch...

At home workout # 4

Warm – up: 3 Rounds – 10 Bird dogs (5 / side) 10 Squats 20 Jumping jacks A) 8 Turkish get ups / side (add a weight if you can) B) 5 Rounds – 5 Judo push-ups (google it) 6 single leg hip bridges / side 8 Hollow body rocks *Judo push-ups can be done from the knees C) Complete 4...

WOD 6/15/18

  Intermediate Strength: 6 Rounds – 4 Deadlifts @ 70% 4 Floor presses @ 70 – 75% Chipper: 100 Double unders 90 Lunges (45 / side) 80 Battle rope alternating waves (40 / side) 70 Scissor crunches (35 / side) 60 Bar Inverted rows 50 Lateral box overs (25 / side) 40 Sandbag...