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Dew It Fitness

485 Spencerport Rd
Rochester, NY 14606

Core Challenge

Welcome to the Core Challenge Page! Here you will find details about the challenge, programming, and videos on workout overviews as well as exercise technique and demonstrations. Workouts – There are 3 core workouts each week meant to be done in the gym with the core...

WOD 2/26/19

Intermediate Strength: 4 Rounds – 7 Seated dumbbell presses 7 Back squats 12 Resistance band internal rotations / side Muscular Endurance: 5 Rounds – Handstand x 20 sec Weighted hip bridge hold x 25 sec Hollow body x 30 sec Metabolic Conditioning: Three rounds for time – 25 Wall...

WOD 2/25/19

Intermediate Strength: 5 Rounds – 4 Deadlifts 4 Ring assisted pull-ups Muscular Endurance: 4 Rounds – 6 Weighted push-ups 6 High plank rows (left) 6 High plank rows (right) Farmer carry x 240 ft Metabolic Conditioning: 8 Rounds – 4 Pull-ups 6 Toes to bar 8 Box jumps 10 Bicycles /...

WOD 2/22/19

Intermediate Strength: 4 Rounds – 5 Weighted push-ups 6 Dips 7 Sumo deadlifts Metabolic Conditioning: Complete the following in teams of 2 with one partner working at a time – 120 Pull-ups [chair pose] 150 Box jumps [bar hang] 180 Med ball slams [hollow body] *One partner works...

WOD 2/21/19

Intermediate Strength: Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 sets) of – Station 1: 8 Alternating dumbbell floor presses / side @ 20X1 Station 2: 2-3 Turkish get ups / side Station 3: Hollow Rocks or Hold x 60 seconds Muscular Endurance: 4 Rounds – Pull-up hold x 12 sec Handstand x...

WOD 2/20/19

Intermediate Strength: Complete the following every 90 seconds, for 18 minutes (3 rounds) – Station 1 – 10 Back squats @ 30X1 Station 2 – 8 Hanging med ball hamstring curls @ 2111 Station 3 – 10 One arm dumbbell rows (left) @ 2111 Station 4 – 10 One arm dumbbell rows (right) @...

WOD 2/19/19

Intermediate Strength: 4 Rounds – 8 Deadlifts 8 Floor presses Muscular Endurance: EMOM for 15 minutes (3 rounds) – Minute 1: 10 Supinated inverted rows @ 2111 Minute 2: Side plank (left) x 40 seconds Minute 3: Side plank (right) x 40 seconds Minute 4: 15 Reverse snow angels (slow...

WOD 2/18/19

Intermediate Strength: Complete 3 rounds of the following complex every 2 minutes for 10 minutes – 2 Front squats 1 Push press Advanced complete push jerks Metabolic Conditioning: Complete 6 rounds for time – 10 Pull-ups 12 Burpees 14 Wall balls Core: Complete 4 rounds of the...

WOD 2/15/19

Intermediate Strength: 3 Rounds – 12 Front squats 12 Supinated rows Metabolic Conditioning: Complete 10 rounds of each workout in teams of two for time with partners working on opposite workouts simultaneously. Partners switch workouts each time they have both finished a round....

WOD 2/14/19

Intermediate Strength: Complete the following every 90 seconds for 6 rounds – Rounds 1 – 2: 5 Power cleans Rounds 3 – 4: 4 Power cleans Rounds 5 – 6: 3 Power cleans Advanced complete squat cleans Muscular Endurance: 4 Rounds – 8 Ring assisted pull-ups 8 Supine...