Dew It Fitness WOD 2/15/19 - Dew It Fitness
Dew It Fitness

485 Spencerport Rd
Rochester, NY 14606

WOD 2/15/19

February 14, 2019



3 Rounds –

12 Front squats

12 Supinated rows

Metabolic Conditioning:

Complete 10 rounds of each workout in teams of two for time with partners working on opposite workouts simultaneously. Partners switch workouts each time they have both finished a round. Rounds are cumulative with your partner.

Workout A –

20 Seated resistance band rows

20 One arm snatches (10 / side)

Workout B –

15 Box jumps

40 Battle rope slams

Partner A will begin workout A while partner B begins workout B. Once both have completed a full round of their respective workouts, they will switch. Partner A will then complete a full round of workout B while partner B completes a full round of workout A, before switching again. The workout is finished once each partner has completed 5 rounds of each workout.


Complete 3 rounds of the following in teams of 2 –

10 Partner plank to T’s / side

20 Partner scissor raises / partner

12 Partner plank climbs / partner



3 Rounds –

12 Goblet squats

12 Supinated rows

Metabolic Conditioning:

Complete 8 rounds of each workout in teams of two for time with partners working on opposite workouts simultaneously. Partners switch workouts each time they have both finished a round. Rounds are cumulative with your partner.

Workout A –

20 Seated resistance band rows

20 One arm snatches (10 / side)

Workout B –

15 Box step-ups

40 Battle rope stage coaches

Partner A will begin workout A while partner B begins workout B. Once both have completed a full round of their respective workouts, they will switch. Partner A will then complete a full round of workout B while partner B completes a full round of workout A, before switching again. The workout is finished once each partner has completed 4 rounds of each workout.


Complete 3 rounds of the following –

6 Plank to T’s / side

20 Partner scissor raises / partner

10 Plank up-downs

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