Complete the following every 90 seconds for 6 rounds –
Rounds 1 – 2: 5 Power cleans
Rounds 3 – 4: 4 Power cleans
Rounds 5 – 6: 3 Power cleans
Advanced complete squat cleans
Muscular Endurance:
4 Rounds –
8 Ring assisted pull-ups
8 Supine med ball leg curls
8 Hollow body rocks
*Break up ring assisted pull-ups into multiple sets if needed
Metabolic Conditioning:
12 Min AMRAP –
10 Push-ups
12 Sumo deadlift high pulls
30 Squats
Complete the following every 90 seconds for 6 rounds –
Rounds 1 – 2: 8 Barbell high pulls
Rounds 3 – 4: 6 Barbell high pulls
Rounds 5 – 6: 4 Barbell high pulls
Muscular Endurance:
4 Rounds –
8 Inverted rows
10 Hip bridges
8 Hollow body rocks
Metabolic Conditioning:
12 Min AMRAP –
6 Push-ups from knees
10 Sumo deadlift high pulls
20 Squats