Strength: 6 Sets
Kettlebell snatch technique 2 / Side
Kettlebell high pull 3 / Side
Muscular endurance: 5 Rounds
5 Pullups
8 Dips
Metcon: Tabata
Jump squat
Mountain climber
Kettlebell swing
Jump rope
Strength: 4 Sets
Dumbbell snatch technique 2 / Side
Dumbbell high pull 5 / Side
Muscular endurance: 5 Rounds
7 Inverted row
7 Dips
Metcon: Tabata
Bodyweight squat
Mountain climber
Kettlebell swing
Jump rope
**Gym Update – Ask Paul or Deanna to set up auto-pay with your checking account or debit/credit card number for September payments. **