Complete the following every 2 minutes for 5 Rounds…
6 Hang power cleans
6 Push presses
6 Front squats
*Drop the bar only once the round is complete
Muscular Endurance:
4 Rounds –
Pull-up hold x 10 sec
T plank x 20 sec / side
Plank on med ball x 30 sec
*rest as needed
Metabolic Conditioning:
3 Rounds –
Tire flips x 35 feet
16 Sledgehammer tire slams (8 / side)
Run x 400 meters
Rest x 2 min 30 sec
Complete the following every 2 minutes for 5 Rounds…
8 Kettlebell sumo deadlift high pulls
8 One arm kettlebell push presses (4 / side)
8 Goblet squats
*Drop the kettlebell only once the round is complete
Muscular Endurance:
4 Rounds –
Inverted row hold x 10 sec
Side plank x 20 sec / side
Plank x 30 sec
*rest as needed
Metabolic Conditioning:
3 Rounds –
Tire flips x 35 feet
16 Sledgehammer tire slams (8 / side)
Run x 400 meters
Rest x 2 min 30 sec
*You may substitute 10 burpees for the tire flips