Complete the following every 90 seconds for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Rounds 1 – 2: 8 Hang squat cleans
Rounds 3 – 4: 6 Hang squat cleans
Rounds 5 – 6: 4 Hang squat cleans
Muscular Endurance:
Complete 2 rounds of the following working for 30 seconds at each station –
Station 1: Pallof hold (switch sides between rounds)
Station 2: Lateral monster walk
Station 3: Single leg hip bridge hold (switch sides between rounds)
Station 4: Barbell rows
Station 5: Dynamic Bulgarian split squat jumps (switch sides between rounds)
Move through this quickly with as little rest between movements as possible.
Advanced swap barbell rows for Pendlay rows
Metabolic Conditioning:
12 Min AMRAP –
15 Barbell deadlifts
15 Lateral burpee bar overs
15 Bent knee hip pops (target your lower abs)
Complete the following every 90 seconds for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Rounds 1 – 2: 8 Hang muscle cleans
Rounds 3 – 4: 6 Hang muscle cleans
Rounds 5 – 6: 4 Hang muscle cleans
Muscular Endurance:
Complete 2 rounds of the following working for 30 seconds at each station –
Station 1: Pallof hold (switch sides between rounds)
Station 2: Banded seated hip abduction
Station 3: Hip bridge hold
Station 4: One arm row (switch sides as needed)
Station 5: Split squats (switch sides between rounds)
Move through this quickly with as little rest between movements as possible.
Metabolic Conditioning:
12 Min AMRAP –
15 Kettlebell deadlifts
6 Push-ups from the knees
6 Squat thrusts
8 Leg raises