4 Rounds –
5 Front squats @ 70%
2 – 3 Shoulder to overhead’s
Use the same weight for both the squats and shoulder to overhead’s
Advanced complete split-jerks
Muscular Endurance:
3 Rounds –
12 Chin-ups (with partner and/or band assist)
12 Alternating dumbbell rows (6 / side)
Metabolic Conditioning:
Complete the following for time –
Front rack carry x 50 meters
20 Burpees
Run x 100 meters
Front rack carry x 50 meters
15 burpees
Run x 200 meters
10 burpees
Run x 300 meters
Once you complete the exercises in the sequence above, reverse the sequence and work from the bottom up.
4 Rounds –
8 Goblet squats @ 70%
6 Isometric overhead presses / side
Muscular Endurance:
3 Rounds –
15 Supinated inverted rows
16 Alternating dumbbell rows (8 / side)
Metabolic Conditioning:
Complete the following for time –
Front rack carry x 50 meters
15 Burpees
Run x 100 meters
Front rack carry x 50 meters
10 burpees
Run x 200 meters
5 burpees
Run x 300 meters
Once you complete the exercises in the sequence above, reverse the sequence and work from the bottom up.