Complete the following every 90 seconds for 5 sets –
4 Front squats @31×2
6 Supinated rows
8 Dumbbell skull crushers
Metabolic Conditioning:
Complete 5 rounds of the following in teams of 2 with one partner working at a time –
Sled push x 75 Meters
Sandbag run x 200 Meters
Farmer carry x 75 Meters
100 Jumping jacks (together)
Partner A begins by pushing the sled 75 meters. Partner B then pushes the sled back 75 meters to the starting position. Partner A will then complete the sandbag run and hand of the sandbag to partner B, who runs back to the starting position. Partners stay together.
Complete the following every 90 seconds for 5 sets –
8 Goblet squats @30×2
6 Supinated rows
8 Dumbbell skull crushers
Metabolic Conditioning:
Complete 5 rounds of the following in teams of 2 with one partner working at a time –
Sled push x 75 Meters
Run x 200 Meters
Farmer carry x 75 Meters
50 Jumping jacks (together)
Partner A begins by pushing the sled 75 meters. Partner B then pushes the sled back 75 meters to the starting position. Partner A will then complete the sandbag run and hand of the sandbag to partner B, who runs back to the starting position. Partners stay together.