4 Rounds –
8 Floor presses
8 Dips
Farmer carry x 240 ft
Muscular Endurance:
4 Rounds –
Handstand x 20 sec
Chair pose x 20 sec
Weighted hip bridge hold x 20 sec
Push-up hold x 10 sec
Side plank x 25 sec / side
Metabolic Conditioning:
Complete 3 rounds of the following working for 20 seconds at each station with 10 seconds rest between stations –
Station 1: Battle rope hip toss
Station 2: Box jump overs
Station 3: Battle rope stage coach
Station 4: Jump ropes
Station 5: Battle rope alternating waves with squat
Station 6: High knees
4 Rounds –
8 Push-up negatives
8 Resistance band triceps push-downs
Farmer carry x 180 ft
Muscular Endurance:
4 Rounds –
Plyo-box pike x 20 sec
Chair pose x 20 sec
Hip bridge hold x 20 sec
Push-up hold from knees x 10 sec
Side plank on box x 20 sec / side
Metabolic Conditioning:
Complete 3 rounds of the following working for 20 seconds at each station with 10 seconds rest between stations –
Station 1: Battle rope hip toss
Station 2: Step-ups
Station 3: Battle rope stage coach
Station 4: Jump ropes or jumping jacks
Station 5: Battle rope alternating waves
Station 6: Run in place