Dew It Fitness WOD 12/4/19 - Dew It Fitness
Dew It Fitness

485 Spencerport Rd
Rochester, NY 14606

WOD 12/4/19

December 03, 2019


Find your overhead press one-rep max and reverse lunge 3-rep max!

OR, complete the following if you have already found your maxes:

3 Rounds –

12 Goblet squats

12 Supinated barbell rows

12 Reverse crunches

Complete the following for time –

90 Jumping jacks

80 High knees / side

70 Crunches

60 Single leg hip bridges (30 / side)

50 Squat thrusts

40 Dumbbell chops (20 / side)

30 Inverted rows

20 Lateral box overs / side

10 Pike jumps

Rest, then… complete one round of Tabata jump rope:

8 Rounds –

Jump rope x 20 sec

Rest x 10 sec

Immediately followed by…

Accumulate 3 minutes planking


Find your overhead press three-rep max and reverse lunge 5-rep max!

OR, complete the following if you have already found your maxes:

3 Rounds –

12 Goblet squats

12 Ring rows

12 Reverse crunches with bent knees

Complete the following for time –

60 Jumping jacks

50 High knees / side

40 Crunches

35 Hip bridges

30 Squat thrusts

25 Inverted rows

20 Dumbbell chops / side

15 Lateral plate overs / side

10 Pike jumps

Rest, then… complete one round of Tabata jump rope:

8 Rounds –

Jump rope x 20 sec

Rest x 10 sec

Immediately followed by…

Accumulate 2 minutes planking

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