Every minute on the minute for 16 minutes:
Odds: 3 Deadlifts @ 75 – 80%
Evens: 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups
Metabolic Conditioning:
Que the song flower by Moby. When the song says bring Sally down, lower yourself down to the bottom of a squat and hold until the song says bring Sally up, at which point you will raise yourself up out of the exercise.
3 Rounds –
Plank knee to elbows (outside) x 25 sec
Rest x 12 sec
Plank to T x 25 sec
Rest x 12 sec
Plank to downward dog x 25 sec
Rest x 40 sec
6 Rounds –
Sprint x 16 sec
Rest x 44 sec
Every minute on the minute for 16 minutes:
Odds: 5 Deadlifts @ 60 – 70%
Evens: 5 Inverted rows, 10 Push-ups
Metabolic Conditioning:
Que the song flower by Moby. When the song says bring Sally down, lower yourself down to the bottom of a squat and hold until the song says bring Sally up, at which point you will raise yourself up out of the exercise.
3 Rounds –
Plank knee to elbows (outside) x 25 sec
Rest x 12 sec
Plank to T x 25 sec
Rest x 12 sec
Plank to downward dog x 25 sec
Rest x 40 sec
6 Rounds –
Sprint x 16 sec
Rest x 44 sec