Dew It Fitness WOD 10/22/19 - Dew It Fitness
Dew It Fitness

485 Spencerport Rd
Rochester, NY 14606

WOD 10/22/19

October 21, 2019



Forearm stretch x 30 seconds

Complete 6 quadruped rotations on each side

Complete 12 psoas march steps on each side

30 Air squats


4 Sets:

4 Front squats @ 80%

4 Weighted ring assisted pull-ups

Muscular Endurance:

2 Sets:
8 Bulgarian split squats @ 3010
immediately followed by…
12 Dynamic Bulgarian split squats @ 10X0

Rest 60 seconds, then perform the same on the other leg; then rest 60 seconds before moving on to the rollouts

8 Barbell rollouts @ 2111

For the split squats, you’ll perform the first 8 reps holding kettlebells or dumbbells, then after the 8th rep, you’ll drop the weights and perform 12 more reps unloaded, trying to jump as high as possible each rep.

Metabolic Conditioning:

Complete 4 rounds of the following –

Sprint x 80 yards

Walk x 80 yards

Complete the sprints with as much intensity as possible. Use the walk to recover.


Banded hip flexor stretch x 45 sec / side

Super couch stretch x 30 sec / side

Table-top lat stretch x 40 sec



4 Sets:

8 Goblet squats

8 Inverted rows

Muscular Endurance:

2 Sets:
6 Split squats @ 3010
immediately followed by…
8 Dynamic split squats @ 10X0

Rest 60 seconds, then perform the same on the other leg; then rest 60 seconds before moving on to the rollouts

8 Inchworm walkouts

For the split squats, you’ll perform the first 8 reps holding kettlebells or dumbbells, then after the 8th rep, you’ll drop the weights and perform 8 unloaded, trying to jump as high as possible each rep.

Metabolic Conditioning:

Complete 4 rounds of the following –

Run x 60 yards

Walk x 60 yards

Put some pep in your step for the runs. Use the walk to recover.


Banded hip flexor stretch x 45 sec / side

Super couch stretch x 30 sec / side

Table-top lat stretch x 40 sec

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