4 Rounds –
4 Turkish get ups (2 / side)
Rest x 45 sec
Muscular Endurance:
3 Rounds –
10 Sumo deadlifts
10 Strict presses
Metabolic Conditioning:
Complete 4 rounds of the following working for 30 seconds at each station with 10 seconds rest between stations –
Station 1: Alternating bicycle kicks (legs only)
Station 2: Zercher lunges
Station 3: Dumbbell burpees
Station 4: Dumbbell punches
Station 5: Jog in place
*Use station 5 to recover before the next round starts. Focus on controlling your breathing.
5 Rounds –
6 Half Turkish get ups (3 / side)
Rest x 30 sec
Muscular Endurance:
3 Rounds –
15 Sumo kettlebell deadlifts
15 Dumbbell strict presses
Metabolic Conditioning:
Complete 4 rounds of the following working for 30 seconds at each station with 10 seconds rest between stations –
Station 1: flutter kicks
Station 2: Lunges
Station 3: Burpees
Station 4: Dumbbell punches
Station 5: Jog in place
*Use station 5 to recover before the next round starts. Focus on controlling your breathing.