12 Monster walk steps
5 Cat cows
5 Quadruped rotations / side
5 Thread the needle reps / side
10 Band pull-aparts
Complete the following every 3 minutes for 12 minutes –
4 Deadlifts @ around 75%
Immediately followed by – heavy weighted plank x 20 sec
One set:
20 Supine med ball hamstring curls
Muscular Endurance:
3 Rounds –
Hand over hand kettlebell or sled row x 60 feet
10 – 12 Hanging knee raises
15 Supermans
Metabolic Conditioning:
Complete 5 rounds of the following working for 20 seconds at each station with 10 seconds rest between stations –
Station 1: Lateral shuffle with sandbag zercher hold
Station 2: Oblique climbers
Station 3: Jumping jacks
3 Rounds –
Sprint x 20 sec
Rest x 75 sec
Complete the hamstring to hip flexor stretch for 40 seconds on each side
Accumulate 90 seconds hanging with your toes touching
12 Monster walk steps
5 Cat cows
5 Quadruped rotations / side
5 Thread the needle reps / side
10 Band pull-aparts
Complete the following every 3 minutes for 12 minutes –
8 Deadlifts
Immediately followed by – plank x 20 sec
One set:
15 Kettlebell good mornings
Muscular Endurance:
3 Rounds –
10 One arm rows / side
10 – 12 Leg raises
10 Supermans
Metabolic Conditioning:
Complete 5 rounds of the following working for 20 seconds at each station with 10 seconds rest between stations –
Station 1: Lateral shuffle
Station 2: Mountain climbers
Station 3: Jumping jacks
3 Rounds –
Run x 15 sec
Rest x 80 sec
Complete the hamstring to hip flexor stretch for 40 seconds on each side
Accumulate 90 seconds hanging with your toes touching