Dew It Fitness DewItFitness, Author at Dew It Fitness - Page 53 of 97
Dew It Fitness

485 Spencerport Rd
Rochester, NY 14606

WOD 4/24/18

  Intermediate Strength: 5 Rounds – 5 Box squats @ 70 – 80% 5 Pull-ups Musular Endurance: 5 Rounds – 4 Renegade rows / side (1 push-up) 4 Broad jumps 6 Hollow body lateral med ball tosses / side Metabolic conditioning: 3 Rounds – 40 Double unders 30 Sit-ups 20 Kettlebell...

WOD 4/23/18

  Intermediate Strength: Deadlift – 5 x 5 @ 60% Musular Endurance: EMOM for 8 min – 6 Thrusters Metabolic conditioning: 3 Rounds: Push-ups x 30 sec Rest x 20 sec Supinated inverted rows x 30 sec Rest x 20 sec Squat thrusts x 30 sec Rest x 20 sec Flutter kicks x 30 sec Rest x...

Men’s Apparel Options

Tees / Tanks: A) B)   Tops: A) B) C) Bottoms: A) B)    

Womens Apparel Options

Tees / tanks A) B) C) Tops: A) B) C)   D)   Bottoms: A) B)

WOD 4/20/18

  Intermediate Skill: Complete the clean warm up: 2 Rounds: 10 Clean deadlifts 5 Strict high pulls 5 Hip drive high pulls 5 Robotic muscle cleans 5 Muscle cleans 5 Power cleans 10 Front squats Then, 8 Rounds – Kipping x 10 sec Rest x 25 sec Strength: Front pause squats – 5 x...

WOD 4/19/18

  Intermediate Skill: Complete the snatch warm up: 2 Rounds: 10 snatch deadlifts 5 Strict high pulls 5 Hip drive high pulls 5 Robotic muscle snatches 5 Muscle snatches 5 Power snatches 7 Overhead squats Strength: EMOM for 15 Minutes – Min 1 – 5: 5 Hang power snatches Min 6 –...

WOD 4/18/18

    Intermediate Skill: Complete the snatch warm up: 2 Rounds: 10 snatch deadlifts 5 Strict high pulls 5 Hip drive high pulls 5 Robotic muscle snatches 5 Muscle snatches 5 Power snatches 7 Overhead squats Then, Spend 5 min working on handstands Strength: 3 rounds – 10...

WOD 4/17/18

  Intermediate Skill: Complete the snatch warm up: 2 Rounds: 10 snatch deadlifts 5 Strict high pulls 5 Hip drive high pulls 5 Robotic muscle snatches 5 Muscle snatches 5 Power snatches 7 Overhead squats Strength: 3 rounds – 12 Deadlifts 10 Rows 10 Chin-ups *Go light Double...

WOD 4/16/18

  Intermediate Skill: Complete the clean warm up: 2 Rounds: 10 Clean deadlifts 5 Strict high pulls 5 Hip drive high pulls 5 Robotic muscle cleans 5 Muscle cleans 5 Power cleans 10 Front squats Complete the following every 75 sec for 6 rounds: 5 Squat cleans *go light...

WOD 4/13/18

  Intermediate Strength: Strict press – 6 x 4 @ 70 % Muscular endurance: 6 rounds – 3 Pull-ups (weighted if possible) 4 Deadlifts Core: 5 Rounds – Plank x 30 sec Rest x 30 sec Metabolic conditioning: 6 Rounds – 6 Toes to bar 8 Push-ups 12 Squats Beginner Strength: Strict...