Workout #1
Complete as many rounds of the following as possible in 15 minutes:
8 Burpees
8 V-ups
30 Jumping jacks
Rest, Then:
Accumulate 3 minutes planking
Workout #2
2 – 3 Rounds:
20 Tuck jumps or squat jumps
20 Pushups
20 Flutter kicks (2-count)
20 Squats
20 Mountain climbers (2-count)
Rest, then –
Accumulate 3 minutes holding hollow body
Workout #3
Complete as many rounds of the following as possible in 10 minutes:
6 Narrow push-ups
8 Scissor kicks / side
10 Lunges / side
Rest, then:
4 Rounds –
10 Burpees
20 Frog jumps
30 Jumping jacks
Rest, then:
8 Rounds –
Sprint x 20 sec
Jog x 40 sec
Workout #4
Weighted squats – 5 Sets of 10:
Add weight to these squats if possible. The best way I have found is to throw some heavy items into a backpack or gym bag. You can use water jugs / bottles, bags of potatoes, textbooks, tools, etc. Once your bag is filled, either throw it on your back or hold it out in front of you goblet style. Alternatively, you can find a pet or small child!
3 Rounds of 1 minute at each station:
Station 1 – Step ups (using a chair or stairs)
Station 2 – Dips (using any sturdy horizontal surface like a chair or couch)
Station 3 – Russian twists
Station 4 – Lunges
Station 5 – Squat thrusts (hands down, jump back, jump forward, stand)
Workout #5
One Round:
100 Leg hops (staring in a plank: Feet out, in, forward, then back = 1)
100 Bear crawl steps
100 Squat thrusts
Rest 3 min, then:
5-minute wall sit
Workout #6
3 Rounds:
20 Pushups (wide)
30 Sit-ups
40 Jumping jacks
50 Frog jumps
40 Jumping jacks
30 Sit-ups
20 Pushups (narrow)
Workout #7
4 Rounds:
15 Dips (on a couch or chair)
20 Hip bridges
30 lunges (15 / side)
Rest, then:
Complete 3-4 rounds of the following working for 30 seconds at each station with 15 seconds rest between stations:
- Mountain climbers
- Skaters
- Flutter kicks
- Alternating cross body punches
Workout #8
5 Rounds:
5 Bodyweight Turkish get ups / side
10 Plank up downs / side
20 Squat jumps
20 Arm circles each way (forward / back)
Rest, then:
4 Rounds:
10 Leg raises
10 Russian twists / side
20 Crunches
Workout #9
Set a timer for 15 minutes and complete as many rounds as possible of the following:
5 Push-ups
10 Sit-ups
15 Squats
Rest, then:
5 rounds of:
8 Burpees
40 High knees / side
Workout #10
Complete the following every minute on the minute (EMOM) for 24 minutes. Once you have completed the exercises, rest for the remainder of the minute. If you cannot finish within 50 seconds, drop the reps:
Min 1-8
10 Supermans
10 V-ups
Min 9 – 16
8 Broad jumps (jump for distance)
10 Planking shoulder taps / side
Min 17-24
6 lunges / leg
15 Frog jumps
Workout #11
Complete 3 – 4 rounds of the following resting as needed :
10 Bulgarian split squats / side (put your rear foot on a couch, table, or chair)
12 Push-ups
14 Supermans
Complete 3 rounds of the following:
8 Windshield wipers / side
12 Hollow body rocks
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
15 Squat jumps
20 Mountain climbers / side
Complete 3 – 4 rounds of the following working for 40 seconds at each station with 5 seconds transition time between:
High knees
Jumping jacks
Workout #12
Complete 3 – 4 rounds of the following resting as needed :
12 Sliding hamstring curls
For the hamstring curls, use a towel on a slick surface or paper plates on carpet. Start in a hip bridge with your feet on sliders. Slide your feet out and pull them back under you using your hamstrings.
Handstand or pike plank x 20 – 30 seconds
12 Lying lat presses
For the lying lat presses, lie face up on the floor with your arms bent to 90 degrees. Place your elbows at your sides at your sides a few inches away from your torso. Use your lats to drive your elbows into the ground, lifting your upper body up several inches.
Complete 3 rounds of the following:
10 Reverse crunches
8 Oblique v-ups / side
Complete 4 rounds of the following:
8 Alternating sprinter lunges / side (lean forward at the waist as you lunge so that you end in a sprinter stance. Use your glute and quad to stand and repeat.)
10 Lateral skaters / side
Complete 3 – 4 rounds of the following working for 40 seconds at each station with 5 seconds transition time between:
Frog jumps
Plank up-downs
Workout #13
Complete 4 rounds of the following working for 40 seconds at each station with 20 seconds rest between stations :
Squats (add weight if possible)
Door knob towel rows
Complete 4 rounds of the following working for 40 seconds at each station with 15 seconds rest between:
Step-ups or lunges
Complete 3 rounds of the following:
Plank x as long as possible
Rest x 60 – 90 sec
Workout #14
Complete 3 – 4 rounds of the following resting as needed:
10 Single leg deadlifts / side (add weight if possible)
10 – 15 Push-ups (perform decline push-ups if possible)
10 Leg raises
Complete 3 rounds of the following:
12 Single leg hip bridges / side or 20 hip bridges
15 Reach to sky sit-ups
Complete 4 – 5 rounds of the following working for 25 seconds at each station with 10 seconds transition time between:
Cossack squats
Broad jumps or bunny hops
Russian twists
Plank jacks
Workout #15
Complete 3 – 4 rounds of the following resting as needed:
12 – 15 Couch dips (Place your hands on the cushion or arm of a couch, bend your elbows to lower your body, then use your triceps to push yourself back up
12 – 15 Split squats / side (do not touch your knee to the ground, use weight if possible)
12 – 15 Supermans (squeeze your back)
Complete 3 rounds of the following:
4 Bodyweight Turkish get-ups / side
8 Dead bugs / side (keep your back pushed against the ground throughout)
12 Cross body mountain climbers / side (left knee to right elbow and vice versa)
Complete 3 – 4 rounds of the following working for 30 seconds at each station with 15 seconds transition time between:
Squat thrust
Frog jumps
Plank up downs
Workout #16
Complete 5 rounds of the following resting as little as possible:
10 Hollow body rocks
10 Leg raises
10 Oblique v-ups (5 / side)
Complete as many rounds of the following as possible in 15 minutes:
4 Burpees
8 Sit-ups
12 Bodyweight squats
Optional Finisher: Complete the following for 3 – 5 minutes:
Jump rope
or alternate between jumping jacks and high knees as you see fit