One-rep max make-up or retest
*Complete a one-rep max lift that you either missed or would like to test again. An alternate strength will be provided for those that need it as well.
Muscular Endurance:
5 Rounds –
10 Banded leg curls
8 Ring assisted pull-ups
6 Dips
Metabolic Conditioning:
Complete the following in teams of two with one partner working to complete reps while the other maintains the designated hold –
200 Resistance band rows
Designated hold: Kettlebell front squat hold
120 Burpees
Designated hold: Hollow body hold
Partner A completes resistance band rows while partner B holds the bottom of a squat with a kettlebell in each hand. Partner B must maintain the hold for partner A’s reps to count.
Three-rep max make-up or retest
*Complete a three-rep max lift that you either missed or would like to test again. An alternate strength will be provided for those that need it as well.
Muscular Endurance:
5 Rounds –
10 Banded leg curls
8 Inverted rows
8 Banded triceps push-downs
Metabolic Conditioning:
Complete the following in teams of two with one partner working to complete reps while the other maintains the designated hold –
140 Resistance band rows
Designated hold: Squat hold
70 Plyo-box burpees
Designated hold: Hollow body hold
Partner A completes resistance band rows while partner B holds the bottom of a squat. Partner B must maintain the hold for partner A’s reps to count.