Dew It Fitness WOD 9/18/19 - Dew It Fitness
Dew It Fitness

485 Spencerport Rd
Rochester, NY 14606

WOD 9/18/19

September 17, 2019




Complete 12 monster walk steps in each direction (forward, backward, left, right)

2 Rounds –

5 Concentric only deadlifts (lift, drop, repeat) (go light)

4 Sprinter step-ups / side

Complete the following every 3 minutes for 12 minutes –

3 Concentric deadlifts @ 80 – 90%

3 Max height box jumps

Muscular Endurance:

2 Rounds –

15 Partner assisted pull-ups

8 Partner lateral leg throws

12 Partner leg throws

Metabolic Conditioning:

Complete 4 rounds working for 35 seconds at each station with 20 seconds rest between stations –

Station 1: Kettlebell swings

Station 2: Jump rope

Station 3: Cross-body climbers


Complete the half kneeling hip to hamstring stretch for 45 seconds on each side

Complete 6 wall slides



Complete 12 monster walk steps in each direction (forward, backward, left, right)

2 Rounds –

5 Concentric only kettlebell deadlifts (lift, drop, repeat) (go light)

4 Sprinter step-ups / side

Complete the following every 3 minutes for 12 minutes –

5 Concentric kettlebell deadlifts @ 80 – 90%

4 Tall plate jumps

Muscular Endurance:

2 Rounds –

12 Ring assisted pull-ups

12 Leg raises

18 Lateral leg raises (9 / side)

Metabolic Conditioning:

Complete 4 rounds working for 35 seconds at each station with 20 seconds rest between stations –

Station 1: Kettlebell swings

Station 2: Jump rope

Station 3: Cross-body climbers


Complete the half kneeling hip to hamstring stretch for 45 seconds on each side

Complete 6 wall slides

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