Strength & Skill:
Spend 25 minutes working on snatch technique
Metabolic Conditioning:
Chipper –
100 Jumping jacks
90 Wall climbers / side
80 Kettlebell swings
70 Lunges / side
60 Russian twists / side
50 Squat thrusts
40 Push presses
30 Kettlebell crossovers (15 / side)
20 Sprints
* Complete all reps before moving onto the next exercise
Strength & Skill:
Spend 25 minutes working on snatch technique
Metabolic Conditioning:
Chipper –
100 Jumping jacks
90 Wall climbers / side
80 Kettlebell swings
70 Lunges / side
60 Russian twists / side
50 Squat thrusts
40 Push presses
30 Kettlebell crossovers (15 / side)
20 Sprints
* Complete all reps before moving onto the next exercise