One rep max testing:
Floor press 1RM
Row 1RM
Muscular endurance:
EMOM for 8 Minutes –
6 Thrusters
Metabolic conditioning:
8 Min AMRAP –
6 Supinated inverted rows
7 Box jumps
9 Sit-ups
Rest 3 min
8 Min AMRAP –
5 Toes to bar
10 Kettlebell swings
Three rep max testing:
Floor press 3RM
Row 3RM
*Testing the three rep max is safer than the one rep because it will be easier to preserve form and technique due to less weight used. We will use a calculation to estimate your one rep max based on your three rep max.
Muscular endurance:
EMOM for 8 Minutes –
6 Thrusters
Metabolic conditioning:
8 Min AMRAP –
6 Supinated inverted rows
7 Box jumps
9 Sit-ups
Rest 3 min
8 Min AMRAP –
5 Knees to bar
10 Kettlebell swings