Complete 12 monster walk steps in each direction
15 Face pulls
Sampson lunge x 60 ft
3 CAR’s
5 Wall slides
Complete the following every 90 seconds for 12 minutes (4 sets):
4 Barbell reverse lunges / side
4 One arm push-jerks / side
Muscular Endurance:
10 Supinated ring assisted pull-ups
10 Dips
8 Supinated ring assisted pull-ups
8 Dips
6 Supinated ring assisted pull-ups
6 Dips
4 Supinated ring assisted pull-ups
4 Dips
2 Supinated ring assisted pull-ups
2 Dips
Metabolic Conditioning:
Complete 4 rounds of the following in teams of two with one partner working at a time taking turns completing 40 seconds at each station –
Station 1: Hang power cleans
Station 2: Med-ball slams
Station 3: Box jump-overs
Partner A begins by completing as many hang power cleans as possible in 40 seconds. Partner B then completes 40 seconds of hang power cleans. Partner B will then move to med ball slams. Teams will complete as many reps as possible each round.
Complete the banded hip flexor stretch for 40 seconds on each side
Complete the lying banded hip stretch for 60 seconds on each side
Complete 12 monster walk steps in each direction
15 Face pulls
Sampson lunge x 60 ft
3 CAR’s
5 Wall slides
Complete the following every 90 seconds for 12 minutes (4 sets):
6 Kettlebell reverse lunges / side
6 One arm push-presses / side
Muscular Endurance:
10 Supinated inverted rows
10 Banded triceps extensions
8 Supinated inverted rows
8 Banded triceps extensions
6 Supinated inverted rows
6 Banded triceps extensions
4 Supinated inverted rows
4 Banded triceps extensions
2 Supinated inverted rows
2 Banded triceps extensions
Metabolic Conditioning:
Complete 4 rounds of the following in teams of two with one partner working at a time taking turns completing 40 seconds at each station –
Station 1: Kettlebell swings
Station 2: Med-ball slams
Station 3: Box step-overs
Partner A begins by completing as many hang power cleans as possible in 40 seconds. Partner B then completes 40 seconds of hang power cleans. Partner B will then move to med ball slams. Teams will complete as many reps as possible each round.
Complete the banded hip flexor stretch for 40 seconds on each side
Complete the lying banded hip stretch for 60 seconds on each side