Complete 15 dislocates
2 Rounds –
Complete 6 quadruped rotations on each side
Complete 6 single leg hip lifts on each side
5 Inchworm’s w/ push-up
Complete 5 one arm dumbbell push presses / side (light)
4 Rounds –
3 Landmine jerks / side
Rest x 90 seconds
Muscular Endurance:
3 Rounds –
3 KB or DB step ups / side
6 Dumbbell curls /side
9 Overhead dumbbell triceps extensions
Metabolic Conditioning:
Complete 4 rounds of the following in teams of two with one partner working at a time. Work for 40 seconds at each station switching partners at the 20 second mark –
Station 1: Dumbbell punches
Station 2: V-ups
Station 3: Body busters
Station 4: One arm push-presses
Station 5: Frog jumps
Station 6: One arm push- presses
Station 7: Plank jacks
Station 8: Tuck jumps
Complete the shoulder push-back stretch for 40 seconds on each side
Complete the barbell reach-back stretch for 40 seconds
Complete 15 dislocates
2 Rounds –
Complete 6 quadruped rotations on each side
Complete 6 single leg hip lifts on each side
5 Inchworm’s w/ push-up
Complete 5 one arm dumbbell push presses / side (light)
4 Rounds –
5 Dumbbell push-presses / side
Rest x 90 seconds
Muscular Endurance:
3 Rounds –
5 KB or DB step ups / side
6 Dumbbell curls /side
12 Overhead banded triceps extensions
Metabolic Conditioning:
Complete 4 rounds of the following in teams of two with one partner working at a time. Work for 40 seconds at each station switching partners at the 20 second mark –
Station 1: Dumbbell punches
Station 2: Leg raises
Station 3: Body busters
Station 4: One arm push-presses
Station 5: Frog jumps
Station 6: One arm push- presses
Station 7: Plank jacks
Station 8: Squat jumps
Complete the shoulder push-back stretch for 40 seconds on each side
Complete the barbell reach-back stretch for 40 seconds