Complete 8 alternating cossack squats on each side
Complete 6 single leg hip lifts on each side
Complete 12 psoas march steps on each side
4 Rounds –
5 Kettlebell step ups / side
5 Floor presses @ 75%
8 Barbell glute bridges
Muscular Endurance:
15 Banded woodchoppers / side
20 Reverse crunches
20 Inverted sit-ups
Metabolic Conditioning:
Complete 4 rounds of the following working for 35 seconds at each station with 15 seconds rest between stations –
Station 1: Goblet squats
Station 2: Kettlebell swings
Station 3: Squat thrusts
Station 4: Push-up pike jumps
Lying banded hip stretch x 60 seconds / side
Pec minor door-frame stretch x 40 seconds / side
Complete 8 alternating cossack squats on each side
Complete 6 single leg hip lifts on each side
Complete 12 psoas march steps on each side
4 Rounds –
8 Kettlebell step ups / side
8 Floor presses
12 Weighted hip bridges
Muscular Endurance:
10 Banded woodchoppers / side
20 Leg raises
20 Inverted sit-ups
Metabolic Conditioning:
Complete 4 rounds of the following working for 35 seconds at each station with 15 seconds rest between stations –
Station 1: Squats
Station 2: Kettlebell swings
Station 3: Squat thrusts
Station 4: Push-up mountain climbers
Lying banded hip stretch x 60 seconds / side
Pec minor door-frame stretch x 40 seconds / side