Dew It Fitness Labor Day WOD (10 am) - Dew It Fitness
Dew It Fitness

485 Spencerport Rd
Rochester, NY 14606

Labor Day WOD (10 am)

September 04, 2016


All Levels

Strength:                                          6 Sets

5 Weighted step ups

8 Pushups

Partner workout:                           3 Rounds

With a partner, work for the specified time at each station to accumulate as many reps as possible. Each station is 120 seconds. Partner 1 works for the first 40 seconds, partner 2 works for the second 40 seconds, and both work for the remaining 40 seconds.



Battle ropes

Squat thrust leaps

Jumping jacks

Inverted rows


Happy Labor Day : )

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