You may choose a one rep max to make up today if you wish!!
15 Face pulls
10 Band pull aparts
Complete 8 hip circles / side
Complete 6 single leg hip lifts / side
Complete the following every 2 minutes for 8 minutes –
8 Heavy American kettlebell swings
3 sets:
6 Deadlift + Half deads
6 Weighted push-ups
For the deadlifts, lift the bar up like normal, then lower half-way down and return to the top before finally lowering all the way to the floor.
Muscular Endurance:
3 Rounds –
10 Supine med ball hamstring curls
15 Weighted hip bridges
Metabolic Conditioning:
Complete 4 rounds for time –
10 Push-up pike jumps
15 Tuck jumps
20 Lunges (10 / side)
25 Jumping jacks
30 Bicycles (15 / side)
Complete the plyo-box pigeon stretch for 45 seconds on each side
Accumulate 90 seconds hanging
15 Face pulls
10 Band pull aparts
Complete 8 hip circles / side
Complete 6 single leg hip lifts / side
Complete the following every 2 minutes for 8 minutes –
10 Heavy Russian kettlebell swings
3 sets:
8 Kettlebell deadlifts
6 Push-up negatives
Muscular Endurance:
3 Rounds –
12 Romanian kettlebell deadlifts
15 Hip bridges
Metabolic Conditioning:
Complete 4 rounds for time –
8 Push-up pike jumps
10 Squat jumps
16 Split squats (8 / side)
20 Jumping jacks
20 Bicycles (10 / side)
Complete the plyo-box pigeon stretch for 45 seconds on each side
Accumulate 90 seconds hanging