Complete 12 monster walk steps in each direction (forward, backward, left, right)
Complete 4 rounds of the following with a partner –
6 Banded broad jumps (partner A)
TRX forward lean x 20 sec
6 Banded broad jumps (partner B)
Side plank x 25 seconds / side
Muscular Endurance:
Complete 3 rounds of the following with a partner –
4 Natural hamstring curls
10 Partner assisted pull-ups
Metabolic Conditioning:
Complete the following as quickly as possible in teams of two with one partner working at each station –
Station 1:
120 Thrusters
120 Toes to bar
Station 2:
Jump rope
Both partners must be engaged in order for the reps to count. Alternate stations every 100 – 140 jump rope repetitions
Accumulate 90 sec hanging with your toes touching the floor behind you
Spend 45 seconds stretching each hamstring. Place one foot on a plyo-box and reach for your toes.
Complete 12 monster walk steps in each direction (forward, backward, left, right)
Complete 4 rounds of the following with a partner –
6 Broad jumps (partner A)
TRX forward lean x 20 sec
6 Broad jumps (partner B)
Side plank x 25 seconds / side
Muscular Endurance:
3 rounds of the following with a partner –
10 Romanian kettlebell deadlift
10 Band lat pull-downs
Metabolic Conditioning:
Complete the following as quickly as possible in teams of two with one partner working at each station –
Station 1:
120 Wall balls (heavy)
120 Full body crunches
Station 2:
Jump rope
Both partners must be engaged in order for the reps to count. Alternate stations every 60 – 100 jump rope repetitions
Accumulate 90 sec hanging with your toes touching the floor behind you
Spend 45 seconds stretching each hamstring. Place one foot on a plyo-box and reach for your toes.