Find your clean one-rep or three-rep max!
*hang, squat, and power cleans are all approved
Muscular Endurance:
5 Rounds –
5 Deadlifts @65% of 1RM
6 Ring assisted pull-ups
Metabolic Conditioning:
Complete 3 rounds of the following working for 40 seconds at each station with 20 seconds rest between stations –
Station 1: Turkish get ups
Station 2: Russian twists
Station 3: Bodyweight lunges
Station 4: Cone slalom
Bar hang x accumulate 60 sec
Shoulder pushback x 90 sec / side
Towel stretch x 90 sec / side
Work up to a heavy 5-rep high pull or 5-rep muscle clean
Muscular Endurance:
5 Rounds –
10 Kettlebell deadlifts
6 Inverted rows
Metabolic Conditioning:
Complete 3 rounds of the following working for 40 seconds at each station with 20 seconds rest between stations –
Station 1: Half Turkish get ups
Station 2: Russian twists
Station 3: Bodyweight split squats
Station 4: Jog
Bar hang x accumulate 60 sec
Shoulder pushback x 90 sec / side
Towel stretch x 90 sec / side