Complete the following EMOM for 10 min –
6 One arm snatches / side
Metabolic Conditioning:
Benchmark Workout: Cindy
20 minute AMRAP –
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Shred finisher:
3 Rounds –
Sled push to sprint
2 Rounds –
Super couch stretch x 45 sec / side
Behind the back barbell stretch x accumulate 45 sec
Complete the following EMOM for 10 min –
4 One arm high pulls / side
4 Single arm presses (left)
4 Single arm presses (right)
Metabolic Conditioning:
Benchmark Workout: Cindy
20 minute AMRAP –
5 Inverted rows
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Shred finisher:
3 Rounds –
Sled push to sprint
2 Rounds –
Super couch stretch x 45 sec / side
Behind the back barbell stretch x accumulate 45 sec