Complete the clean warm up:
2 Rounds:
10 Clean deadlifts
5 Strict high pulls
5 Hip drive high pulls
5 Robotic muscle cleans
5 Muscle cleans
5 Power cleans
10 Front squats
8 Rounds –
Kipping x 10 sec
Rest x 25 sec
Front pause squats –
5 x 6
*Pause for 3 sec in the bottom of the squat
**Go light
Metabolic conditioning:
5 Rounds:
3 Min AMRAP –
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
Rest 2 min between AMRAPs
Complete the clean warm up:
2 Rounds:
10 Clean deadlifts
5 Strict high pulls
5 Hip drive high pulls
5 Robotic muscle cleans
5 Muscle cleans
5 Power cleans
10 Front squats
8 Rounds –
Kipping x 10 sec
Rest x 25 sec
Pause goblet squats –
5 x 6
*Pause for 2 sec in the bottom of the squat
**Go light
Metabolic conditioning:
5 Rounds:
3 Min AMRAP –
4 Inverted rows
8 Push-ups
12 Squats
Rest 2 min between AMRAPs